Working for a future with more enthusiastic and inquiring Minds!

Flying Electronics was started with an intention to get everyone build a drone and have fun flying. For a few years, advancements in drone technologies have made it possible to experience real flying using First Perspective View Goggles and long-range links. But in order to get a large number of people into this hobby, I felt it necessary to have a reliable source of components in long term to build Drones.

Flying Electronics therefore is one of the very few companies that imports quality parts like MOTORS, STACKS, CAMERAS, etc legally and from original manufacturers into India. We only sell products that we feel are better than their similar competitions and try to solve queries regarding the same after-sales. All our sales abide by the Indian TAX rules, and we don’t do non-GST sales. While many companies attract buyers by evading taxes (via illegal import/sale) and selling at lower price, we strongly suggest buyers to purchase with GST only, as there is no commitment or assurance otherwise. Also, for the hobby to grow, it is necessary for things to go smooth legally.

In order to support Make in India, we have also begun Manufacturing drone components/Drones in India, starting out with Designing and Manufacturing of Carbon-Fibre Frames, Drone Assemble, etc in INDIA. Take a look of what’s in store here

We aim to bring a lot of new things in the FUTURE and are working hard at this uphill task. All throughout, our inspiration is “The want of a man to fly high is one of the strongest wants”. We hope the same inspires our customers too!

